Wednesday, 8 October 2014

GOALS: Too busy to clean


I mentioned a few weeks ago that I pushed cleaning down the planning list to make room for some of my preferred goals. This has worked very nicely. I find I approach the week with a keener anticipation knowing that I will get to enjoy working on my “preferred” goals.

However, I don’t want to neglect housework completely. I actually dream of having a cosy little cottage which is warm and inviting and a lovely space to be in. With that in mind I came up with a ‘modified cleaning plan’.

Some days

Other days

The plan works like this:

·        Washing clothes and doing dishes get done regularly.

·        Each month I aim do the following four jobs.

o   Sweep and wash the floor

o   Vacuum carpeted areas

o   Clean bath and toilet

o   Clean shower

The problem is I have not been getting these jobs done. Life is busy. Things come up. I work fulltime etc. etc. So, upon reflection, I am putting this out there to try to make me more accountable.

This October can I do all four jobs?
  • Sweep and wash floor  - Done 5/10. Because mum was coming over!!

A pleasing, yet surprising, start!! Well done!

How do you fit everything in when life is so busy?


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