Another week has passed and now we've got a long weekend. I had a very tiring week. I went two days without eating until late in the day and I feel I'm paying for it. It's a reminder that not only do I need to make sure I menu plan every week but I also have to keep in mind that we probably need to buy more each week. I think I went out to pick up extra groceries three times this week. Hmmmm!!
I've been trying to do extra study this term. I'm on a team working on a new program for our school and I've realised that it's a whole new language. I feel, too, that if the school is investing in us we need to do the job honourably. After all this is all about the students' education and ultimately their future.
I went for a run this morning. In my new runners. Which carried me along so swiftly. Actually, not! I had to cut it short as I'm not very fit at the moment. I want to squeeze in a run during the week but in the mornings it's dark and getting cold and in the evenings I am usually too tired. So I will challenge myself again to exercise three times this coming week. I figure that any exercise is better than nothing so let's see.
When I look back at the week and reflect it seems that it's a time of adjustment. I have a new and very different routine at work. One day a week I work off-campus and one day a week I work on the project. The weather is changing making it harder to fit in a spot of outdoor gardening or exercise. I remember Martha Beck's advice many years ago to go with the flow when life goes awry. Life's not awry here but I think her advice still bodes well as I try to find the rhythm with a new routine and new demands. Like an autumn leaf being carried down the river, that is what I plan to do.
Today I'm catching up with friends and after that I hope to get out in the garden. I also want to get in some study. The best thing, of course, is that tomorrow is another holiday. Life is full of so many wonderful things!
During the week, as part of my reflection time, I worked on an A4 version of the following quote. I had been thinking that painting and crafting can take a lot of time but getting creative on the computer can be faster, so I tried it the other day when I had a spare half-hour. I tried to format the final product so that it was suitable for the blog but it wouldn't work. As I said above, this is a week of readjustment so you get a readjusted version of the quote (and may I say not nearly as good).
Enjoy your week and keep moving with the flow!
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