Sunday, 14 February 2016

Goal checking

Mr S and I are spending a quiet Sunday at home. My energy levels have been low for a couple of weeks so I've been trying to avoid doing too much. Meanwhile, Mr S is keeping life simple as he works pretty hard during the week and needs to catch up on rest on the weekends. Hence, a very quiet Sunday for us.
It's fair to say that in the last week life has been more about doing what we can and letting the rest go. The idealist in me wrestles with that, though by now I know that I have to let nature prevail. It's very humbling and I must say, it certainly has helped me shake off my perfectionist tendencies.
I thought I'd make the most of this time now to do a quick review of my goals. This month has been busier than usual with several social appointments  so I need to keep the goals manageable. 
I'm pretty happy with how things are going. The early morning routine - on account of Mr S's work - means I get a lot done of a morning. I've hashtagged the goals which I have managed to work on and I've underlined the goals which I think I can get to in the next few weeks . 
I think at this stage I need to consolidate what I've started. If possible, I want to find an effective way to reduce screen time. If I can reduce screen time it might give me time to do some art work or read a book. Hmmm!!

GOALS 2016
  • Use Friday night to pay bills, menu plan and organise weekend and week ahead.  ##
  • Wake up early. Do small jobs before and after work. ##
  • Make lunch three times a week. ##
  • Reduce screen time. Make screen time more intentional. Before going back to work, I did keep the TV off till evenings which was a great effort for me.## 

  • Drink lots of water daily.##
  • Eat food made from scratch. ##
  • Exercise three times a week. ## In the holidays it was easier.(Must include yoga as a way to maintain back careRun twice a week.  Ride once a week.)  I start yoga next week!
  • Do one cleaning job a week. (Usually does not happen. Think about how it could happen!) OK...happened twice because people were coming over!!
  • Get broken window handles fixed.
  • Finish setting up front room. Getting there. Just need to get rid of the rubbish and an old desk.
  • Hang up pictures.

  • Take time regularly to indulge, relax, enjoy: read a book, create/paint, work on my family tree, visit the countryside/beach: Sitting outside of an evening, time to reflect
  • Learn something new: possibly sewing or making soap
  • Find a regular time each week to reflect. ##
  • Go to a talk or a play (x2).
  • Invite friends over or out once a month:  Keep practising those social skills which are too easy for me to overlook.    
In summary:
Organisation: very good, big improvement from 2015
Health: very good start to the year, can I keep it going?
House: The house is looking good :) :) but I really need to get on to some of those jobs that need doing but just don't get done!!!!
Me: A nice start to the year


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