Sunday, 11 October 2015

The week that was

Again we've been fortunate to have lots of hot, sunny weather, which is actually unseasonal for this time of year. My spirit feels uplifted when I wake to sun and warmth. After months of wearing woollens and layers it's been good to go to the cupboard and take out clothes that flow and that are light and colourful. Needless to say, it's been a good week.
The garden has been a key part of our lives here. This morning we picked lettuce and snow peas for my mum. I got a big kick out of that. Mr S is still working on building up the vegie garden. It's one step at a time depending on what resources are available. 
Out the front, Spring continues to produce surprise pops of colour. The neighbours do not attend to their garden. What blooms is what was planted in years past and behold this pink treasure lining their front fence. 

Work is good though there are new classes and new students so we are still settling. 
Daylight savings started last week so it has been a little easier to get up early. I have been trying to list a few, quick jobs for before and after school. This week I managed to hang out some washing, water the garden and do a 20 minute tidy-up. I also managed to prepare lunch one day.
We went for a walk the other evening around the lake. I haven't been in that direction for a few months so I was delighted to see ducklings and cygnets and a pelican. I've noticed that pelican seems to be there each year around this time. I do my running along the creek path or around the sports oval. There have been a number of snake sightings around water in our community so each time I go out on foot I cast my eye ahead and listen for rustling in the grass. 

Today I want to boil some eggs for my lunch this week. I'm determined to take lunch from home twice this week. Salad Monday, egg sandwiches Tuesday and possibly cheese sandwiches Wednesday. I got very specific and made sure all the ingredients were on the shopping list. 

Happy Sunday everybody!

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