It seems fitting this Friday to share with you some inspiring moments I encountered this week. Listening to the ABC radio I heard about the passing of English Sir Nicholas Winton. Of course I had never heard of him but being on holidays I followed the guest's suggestion, went online and found this moving tribute to the wonderful work he did at the time of World War 2 in Czechoslovakia. His intervention saved the lives of many children. Take a look.
On Thursday night Channel 9's "Inside Story" featured the life of Australian man, John Coutis. It was a wonderful and, of course, inspiring, testimony to how life can be lived fully, if we allow it to happen and don't let obstacles get in the way. It was about disability and yet it was not. As the story went on, the matter of his disability faded into the background and his strong, funny and motivating character came to the fore. His wife also proved what can happen in life when we are open to the heart of a person and when we dare to stand against societal pressures.
My final recollection is the story of two young, entrepeunarial Australians, hailing from Queensland, who have made their way down to Melbourne. They came up with a novel way of assisting homeless people. Have a look here if you want to know more about these two men and their Orange Sky Laundry Van.
I can't help noticing that all four of these people took the road less travelled. Or perhaps they took the same road as others but they just travelled along it with vision and the courage to follow that vision.
As someone with social anxiety I'm all too aware of the power of negative thinking. At times it's like an addiction or an obsession. I take a lot of hope and inspiration from ideas that challenge me to think differently, with less negativity and worry.
What are my thoughts today? What am I worrying about today? If I put that aside for a moment what would my thoughts be if I chose to think with vision and courage for the evening ahead? The weekend ahead?
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