It's report time here so not as much time for blogging. Mr S is away at the moment visiting family. His father is 85 years old so it's important that he makes some time for him.
I haven't managed to get out in the garden for a long time but I got a lovely surprise last week when I collected the mail and found some very sweet flowers ready to bloom. It's cold and grey and miserable here as winter sets in, so the surprise was most welcome.
I noticed recently that I'm making progress with some goals and farther away than ever from other goals. It puzzled me until I realised that making a change to routine has taken much more time than getting out in the garden and doing some work. Getting up early requires me to make a mammoth effort every morning. Working in the garden can be a one-off session. It doesn't matter if I don't do it every day and I walk away from it feeling I've achieved something.
The early morning wake-up has also taught me that I can be overly ambitious at times. Taking one small, doable step at a time is a surer way to make progress.
Last week I posted my weekend goals here and it helped a lot to refine what I could do and what I needed to do. So I'm going to try the same thing with my June goals.
- walk and run twice a week (change schedule because the current one is not working, except for the yoga class I've started)
- call my brother and ask him to hang up the hooks, the shelves and the two pictures that are ready to go (he said yes)
- wake early, eat breakfast and take a step towards getting lunch ready (prepare breakfast the night before, go to sleep earlier)
- declutter and organise front "study" so that it is cosy and inviting with room to work and rest
- organise time to spend time with friends just for the fun of it
- reduce screen time/use screen time effectively (yesterday I challenged myself to "do things" for an hour and then turn the TV on, which worked nicely)
- get back to gardening - half an hour over the weekend (pot the lemongrass and quickly plant the tulips)
- make sure I check my planner each night, focus, know what I am doing, get back to my "to do" list for work (I've started and it's already helping)
- buy hall runner (two years now it's been on the list and this is the month when it will happen)
- keep my goal list short (?), keep in mind my bigger list of goals for 2015 so that when possible I don't lose sight of them, review as well
- and what about some craft?
Have a good weekend everyone!