Friday, 9 January 2015

Goals for 2015: Be healthy and happy!

My overriding goal for 2015, as I approach a milestone birthday, is to be healthy and happy, with particular emphasis on healthy.

As I age - yes, I am still young, but I can definitely notice my body changing in many ways - I want to make this a priority. It's easy for me to forget about drinking water or going for a run when work or the internet take over, yet for me to be truly healthy now and in the future, the exercise needs to be regular and happening NOW.

Being happy is just as important but I feel there is so  much in my life which is good and that is something which I can more easily work on at any time and any place. Being happy is a broad term and I suppose I really use it to mean wellbeing of spirit and mind, rather than wearing a smile on your face every moment of your day.

So to be healthy this year I want to commit  to
  • running three times a week
  • buying a "good" bike and going for weekly bike rides
  • drinking more water every day
To be happy  I aim to do what I can do to enhance my social wellbeing (with SA that's something which I often avoid, tending to put my energies into personal pursuits), enjoy my house and garden and continue to work on keeping life simple and meaningful.

Social and personal wellbeing goals:
  • listen attentively, focus on the speaker (not myself), be present, talk less
  • make an effort to invite friends over or catch up with friends once a month, be active

Enjoying  house and garden
  •  hang pictures around house
  •  make two more, small fairy gardens
  •  one new recipe a month
  •  one additional cleaning job a week
  • commit to planned routine time e.g. Friday nights bills and planning, a load of washing midweek
  • spend time in the garden at least once a week

Keeping life simple and meaningful ( in addition to all of the above goals)
  • take time to reflect and express gratitude on a weekly basis
  • at the end of the year prepare and celebrate a simple, intentional Christmas
  • watch pennies more closely, chip away at the mortgage
  • sew; possibly try some bunting or a table runner
  • planned computer time rather than using it as a procrastination tool
  • blog twice a week
There are many goals but I've got a whole year to work towards achieving them. I tried to implement quite a number of them last year so in 2015 I just need to commit to them. I endeavour to live a life that is people-friendly and earth-friendly, as well as being simple and mindful, so such values need also to underlie what I hope to accomplish this year.

Let's see how it goes for 2015. I've highlighted those goals which need to stay on top and which will take priority even when life gets too busy. It's holiday time at the moment so it's the perfect time for making a start. No excuses!!