Something I really wanted to work on back then was my need to compare myself to the world.
Well, everyone else is married and happy. I should be. No one wants to marry me.
Mary over there dresses so nicely. I don't look as good as that. Down the ranks I go!
And on and on and on.
Stop comparing was what I needed to do.
March arrived and I knew it was time to focus on that very idea. At that same time I came across a wonderful message at Bodyheart , featured by The Wellness Warrior. At first, I wondered what the presenter was talking about. By the end I realised the message was just what I needed to hear. And it was very simple.
Whenever I find my inner chatterbox going into COMPARE mode that's my signal to change over to ADMIRE mode. So I tried changing gears every time I realised I was comparing myself with others. ADMIRE mode certainly felt better than the drained feeling I had after some of my inner chatterbox comparison rants. That one positive word was a simple solution for what was really a lot of unhelpful negativity.
Guess what my key word ended up being for that month! Yep! ADMIRE. During this past week I caught myself falling into COMPARE mode and feeling negative about myself and others as a result. Once I realised what I was doing, the word COMPARE triggered the solution ADMIRE and I was able to quickly and effectively rectify my attitude. Have a look:
COMPARE MODE Look at Jenny. Her outfit is so trendy. I bet everyone looks at her. I don't look like that. Why don't I look like that? Noone looks at me
>>>>>> CHANGE>>>>
ADMIRE MODE Wow! Jenny looks great in that outfit. Those jeans really suit her.
(I went looking for the video again but haven't been able to locate it. It was such a powerful message for me at the time I am able to recall the website.)