Monday, 30 January 2012

Goals, Goals, Goals- January

It's 10.30 at night and the hot day is finally giving way to some cooler breezes. I think I can smell rain in the air.
I thought his evening I'd take a look at my January goals and start to look at what I'd like to achieve for February.

January Goals


Ride my bike.  I've begun and it felt great. Now I just have to make it a regular gig and hope that my legs can sustain the practice.  (ALSO GREEN)
Exercise 3X a week. Hmmm, getting there. After a good start I've found it hard to maintain the routine when it can be so hot and when I have young people in my care. I started back at yoga. I've walked and I've ridden my bike. Feels good!
TV Free Tuesday. Back into it for 2012. Feels weird but I couldn't help noticing how much I got done on those days without TV. Loads got done! I think I'm also starting to see myself as a more discerning viewer which is pleasing.  (ALSO GREEN)
Pamper myself for the holidays. Yes, I did. I had a pedicure and manicure and I dared to choose a very bold turqoise colour which is great for summer.
Go to the theatre (=go out). Well it was booked out at the time I wanted to go so I've booked it for February.

Listen, really listen!  I think I've done well but it's so much easier on holidays.


Cooking. I tried three new recipes. I'm proud of my attempts but the results were disappointing. Edible. Just!
Building maintenance. I'm dealing with unfamiliar areas which means I delay and avoid, avoid and delay. Last week I called for quotes so let's see if I can make things happen for February.

I've enjoyed having time this month to focus on goals and organisation but I have noticed that as soon as other things come up my routine goes out the window.

February Goals

  • Listen. Really listen. Major focus starting back at work this week. (Remember, it's not about me!  Ask questions.)

  • Exercise 3 X a week.
  • Ride my bike at least once a week with a view to doing one shopping trip.
  • Drink lots of water at home and at work.
  • Organisation: Try to carry over my good holiday habits into work time. No. 1 : Go over schedule each evening. Check, update, plan.   Maintain routines. Maintain my desk area as a command centre.
  • One new recipe this month.
  • Try to bake once a week.
  • Pursue maintenance goals.
  • Maintain house cleaning routine.  Taken from  "The Organised Housewife", "Flylady" and "Becci's Domestic Bliss".

Most of these goals continue from last year. My major focus for February needs to be LISTENING  and DAILY SCHEDULE TIME. 

I had wanted to begin one cyber free day a week. I'm not sure that I can do it both for practical reasons and for reasons of personal weakness!!! But I do wander if there's not a way I can use the computer more effciently and reduce the wasteful time I spend on it. Something to think about this month.

My KikkiK D-I-Y calendar

How do you manage your internet usage? Any suggestions for using the computer more efficiently?