Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Happy SAD Moments

Happy SAD Moments
I've always been a little shy about my hair. Yes, my hair. I have big ears so, in true SAD fashion,   I've learnt over the years to hide them behind my luscious locks. Not forgetting, of course, my high forehead. Yes, ever a SAD person, I make sure my foreheard is always covered by some sort of fringe. This has led to a frustratingly restricted number of hairstyles and, dare I say,  a preoccupation with things that are not that important in the big scheme of life. Nevertheless...

Then the other day, out of sheer desperation I twirled a few hairs and stuck a pin in them. Nothing fancy. Something I've always wanted to do. In fact, something I've always done at home when noone else is looking!!  But that day, I hadn't washed my hair, it badly needed a cut, the greys were showing through and it was just plain unruly.
So in went the pin.  And the next day and the next...and I loved it. I loved giving my hair a little twirl and changing its style .
Yes, it's probably been thirty years since I was creative with my hair. I actually felt young again. I felt that I could have fun and not have to maintain my typically conservative persona.
The unbelievable happened when one of my younger and more fashionable colleagues commented that my hair looked really nice styled in that way. Whippee!!!!! And there I was quite resigned to showing the greys and being a bit of a dag (=1970's slang for being uncool). Her comment still brings a smile to my face.

I'm glad that I felt comfortable enough in myself to change my hair even if it was out of necessity. And even if it took 30 years.

SAD has a way of enslaving you.

I had happily tried different styles when I was about 14 but someone I respected showed their disapproval. I listened to them. If only I had realised that one person's comments are only absolute if I allow them to be.  I clearly hadn't developed my sense of who I was and what I liked. For me, it had to come from someone else. The safe way. The SAD way!

Take a different road and see where it leads you.