Friday, 25 December 2015

Christmas Greetings

Do you like the tree?

Last week I took my nephew out for his birthday to a place of his choice. He chose Werribee Mansion, which is a very old, stately home, next to his much-preferred destination, Werribee Zoo. Young J has just finished primary school so this was his last birthday experience.

On the way out of the park we noticed the different trees. They cast quite a presence being so old and standing so tall. I couldn't help noticing the pines and their cones. I really wanted to cut off a branch or two to decorate our home in a truly natural and simple way. Seeing those Christmas trees in their beautiful, natural state was my favourite part of the day.

I was lucky too because Young J was interested in the history of the place and was trying to work out how two brothers might come out to Australia without their parents and secure so much land. I love history so I enjoyed chatting about what would have happened all those years ago.

We've had a quiet Christmas morning. It's very windy here. We went to church with my mum last night. Mr S and I did not give Christmas presents to each other. Not a problem for us but I expect relatives will be a little taken aback. Shortly, we're off to my mum's for Christmas dinner....and I just remembered I wanted to make a gingernut Christmas log. Oh dear! I think that's my cue to keep moving....

As if that wasn't reminder enough, my nephew just called (urged on by his dad, no doubt, but he's a shy guy so any call from him is much appreciated) and is on his way to my mum's now.

To you and yours, a lovely Christmas.

Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Another half-hour blog!

 Well, I write this blog as I begin my annual holidays. The weather is cool and refreshing after a scorching 41 degrees yesterday. I feel good. Rested. Relaxed.

Today I got my bike. Yes, finally, after a year of 'planning' to do it. I must say it is beautiful and I can't wait to go riding. We don't really have anywhere to park it. So for now it goes in the bathroom!

We had our Christmas gathering last night. It was lovely getting together with close friends. Mr S and I were busy beforehand preparing food. I can now add (successful) potato salad and gingernut log to my repertoire. I also made a rather bland gluten-free quiche using brown rice for the crust. It actually turned out well but just needed more seasoning. Everyone was in good spirits. They're an extremely gracious, caring bunch of friends. They live quite some distance away so, whilst we don't see them frequently, we really appreciate the time we do have together.

I enjoyed decorating the house. I must admit the Christmas tree is not done and our front rooms were out of bounds i.e. in a big, big mess. In the past I would have been embarrassed and critical of myself but it's good to see that with time I'm getting better at keeping things in perspective, and I'm not as hard on myself.

I don't like giving gifts where it seems to be unnecessary. I tend to be critical of those who want to give gifts to me, and also expect me to be delighted when I'm actually thinking of  clutter, landfill and simple living. I feel I have more than enough. I think my reasons are valid but I happened to read an article last week via Organising Queen that managed to alter my thinking.  It didn't change my values and principles but it helped me see how I might receive gifts more graciously from people who are gift-givers and helped me to appreciate their way of being/giving.

My half-hour is up.

I look forward to my week of sleep-ins and rest. I look forward to watching TV or going online without having the burden of work preparation. I'm also wondering when  and where my first bike ride will be.

May your week be cheerful and to those preparing for Christmas, may you find Christmas spirit in what you do.

Sunday, 13 December 2015

Half-hour Posting

Half-hour posting is what I do when I don't have loads of time but I still want to stop by and say hello.
Half-hour blogging is also what I do when I haven't blogged for quite a while and I want to get back into it but I'm not sure where to start.
Half-hour blogging also means there's no pressure. It can just be a few quick words. It doesn't have to be an unforgettable script.

So here I am. It's been a couple of months since I last posted. Health has challenged me. Work has been demanding. 

Mr S tried out for a new full-time job. There was hope. A little bit of hope. Determination. Nine hours a day. Two ten-minute breaks. Same repetitive task. Hands swollen. Fingers infected. Nails coming off. 

Now, at last, life is not so busy. I can breathe. And think. 

Here we're getting ready for Christmas. Mr S and I would both like a quiet Christmas with time to enjoy the simple everyday rhythms of life... but family and friends beckon. It's Christmas time, they say. I'm happy to join them but I'm yearning for  simplicity. And lots of rest. And sunshine. 

Perhaps contrary to what I've just said, Mr S and I are preparing for a Christmas gathering with friends next week. My goal is to keep it simple and cheerful. I won't be buying presents. I like to think that the gift of being together is gift enough. They are good friends and time with them is richness. It's a chance for me to decorate and I do so enjoy a little exercise in creativity. 

For me, it's always been Christmas at Mum's. She has always insisted it's at her house. Her way. So I really cherish the opportunity to create some Christmas in my home.

Stay tuned  and I'll let you know how it  goes. It's a gorgeous, sunny day outside so there's much to do. But I welcome such demands. Work around home and garden. Making this house a home. And a haven.

Happy Sunday!

Mr S has learnt how to make mince pies. Guess what's on the menu next week!

I'm getting back to walking each day. And eventually back to running. I love holidays because everything is that much more possible. 

We have a lovely neighbourhood and I'm so glad I get time now to enjoy it.